-Hosted by megastar Amitabh Bachchan, the nation’s much-loved quiz show, ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’, on Sony Entertainment Television, will put the spotlight on 22-year-old Chander Prakash, a UPSC aspirant from Jammu & Kashmir. Chander made his way to the hot seat despite facing significant health challenges since childhood. However, without letting this deter his spirit, Chander, who plays the game with grit and determination will be seen attempting the coveted 1 crore question on 25th September, Wednesday.
As he prepares to face the crucial question, Amitabh Bachchan takes a moment to commend him for reaching this significant milestone, giving some much-needed comfort and motivation. Resonating with the struggles faced by Chander, Amitabh Bachchan shares an interesting anecdote about life that was shared with him by his father, the late Harivansh Rai Bachchan, saying, “Mere babu ji ne kaha – beta, jab tak jeevan hai, tab tak sangharsh hai.”
Amitabh Bachchan also took a moment to praise Chander by saying, “I would like to share with everyone that for the first time in the history of KBC, we are witnessing back-to-back contestants attempting the 1 crore question”. He then goes on to congratulate Chander Prakash for winning his first-ever income of 50 lakhs and said, “Your dedication has brought you here, and persistence, as they say, is sometimes the best quality. You’ve held onto it, and that’s why you stand at this significant juncture.”