Satish Kaul, the actor who did dozens of Hindi & many Punjabi films as a hero, including teleserial “Mahabharat” died few days ago. Kaul, is known to have sought help many times from his colleagues. He also remained in an Old Age Home for two years following hip dysplasia .The lockdown further added to his misery .The actor wanted to start an acting school in Punjab some years earlier but his Dream failed to come true.”Pyaar To Hona Hi Tha, ” Karma”,”Auntie No. 1″ & serial “Vikram Aur Betaal” actor was provided relief by the CM of Punjab last year. He had also sent DC Ludhiana to meet the actor. Indeed,a good gesture shown by him.
Interestingly, a local Hindi daily claiming to have the largest circulation in India & in the region, published an article about Kaul following his death. Surprisingly ,the paper had not given coverage to Mehar Mittal either on his Birth nor Death anniversary. Two writers of national prominence asked me to tell something about the actor. I parted with the 100% correct info about the actor under reference. After his death,it suddenly appeared that he was definitely ‘something’. But what transpired later at his ‘Bhog” was appallingly shocking proving that whatever coverage was extended was due to some writers like us. There was no respite from the Punjabi film or music industry ,shamefully. There were only handful of people present at his ‘Bhog’ writes DS Arora of Punjabi Screen ,reportedly present on the occasion. Some Punjabi actors & singers have formed a group & they sing in praise of one & another throughout the year. If I name some of them they will be thoroughly disgraced.