2018, a Malayalam survival thriller film directed by Jude Anthany Joseph, has become the highest-grossing Malayalam film of all time. The film, released on May 5, 2023, has grossed over ₹146.6 crores (gross) in just three weeks.
The film tells the story of the devastating Kerala floods that occurred in 2018. It follows the lives of several people from different walks of life as they struggle to survive the floods. rewrite and make content unique. The film has been praised for its powerful storytelling and its realistic depiction of the floods.
The film stars an ensemble cast, including Tovino Thomas, Indrans, Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, and more. The performances have been universally praised, with critics calling them “heartbreaking” and “gripping.”
The film’s success is a testament to its powerful story and its talented cast. It is a must-see for anyone who loves a good thriller or a heartwarming story.