The Trinamool Congress Chief Mamata Banerjee took vow as the Chief Minister of West Bengal on Wednesday for the Third Consecutive term. The oath was given to him by West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar . Trinamool Congress Party Emerged as a biggest party in the eight phased West Bengal Elections as they got 213 votes and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) got 77 seats.
The oath Ceremony of Mamata Banerjee was a low key programme with few invitees available at the program seeing the current ongoing pandemic crisis.
The Governor of Bengal said “I praise Mamata Ji on her 3rd term. Our top priority is that we have to bring an end to this purposeless physical violence that has actually impacted state at huge. I have every hope that the CM on an immediate basis will certainly take all actions to recover guideline of legislation,” Governor claimed in a declaration.
After taking the vow Mamata Banerjee said his first priority is to tackle the Covid 19 pandemic . She requested all the Political parties to look around so that violence can be tackled. From now onwards I am taking law and order into my hands. I will order the Police to tackle the situation.